Thursday, January 21, 2016

What do we do when situations get worse.. ( Job, relationship,place where you live etc)..

When situations get worse, we think the only solution or the only escape is to give up things around us like our relationship or job or place etc.
 before you give up, think! may be changing your own attitude, understanding yourself and realizing that why should I give up my world, why not be in it but be stronger, braver and be more myself, what really I am ...

Our thinking and attitude makes everything around us. It is firstly important to give importance to one's own self, do what you like and whatever keeps you Happy.

No definition of Happiness says that you sacrifice happiness to be happy. Giving up things are easy ( may be not very easy). But, it gives you a false feeling of things being solved. Sometime later you my not get even what you had earlier. So think before giving up.

Another view is that it is even not suggested to keep bearing wrong or being abused by others. Once you are clear on your part that you are right or at least you gave your best. Think strongly, try to solve by changing your attitude, seek help from friends or family try every last resort that is possible.... And if still the problem persist: Go Ahead, Change your path.

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